Our ultra-modern Axis plant is fully integrated, including our modern CNC machines. Your project is then Fabricated from beginning to end including 3D modeling to Digital Tool Path

Design Support

• Material & Product Support
• Budget Development
• Product Sample Assistance
• Test Data Assistance
• Technical support
• Generic to 3D Drawing & modeling
• Refinement Assistance
• Value engineering Assistance
• Sign-Off Guidance

AXIS offers Consultation Services that aid in creating a finished product that meets a particular style and look desired by our customers. We can work with all forms of Documents, Drawings, Illustrations and Photos by importing or scanning them into advanced software which includes AutoCad and 3D technology. AXIS understands the importance of a successful job. We focus on understanding our Customer’s issues, problems and constraints.

Shop Drawing

Our staff can take your Architect/designer’s drawings and create shop drawings for your project. Using CAD the shop drawings detail the elevations, plan view and cross sections of the project’s cut stone. This stage of production allows our team to fine tune the exact dimensions of the cut stone elements. We use this data to generate our 3D tool paths.

3D Modeling

With the latest 3D modeling software, no details are lost in transition from approved 2D shop drawings to fabrication of each piece of stone in our 3D modeling software. Once the elements are imported into our 3D modeling programs, our experienced programmers/machinist tool path each piece of stone.

Digital Tool Pathing

From the engineering office each parts program file is posted to the appropriate machine in the factory. Our experienced CNC operators then load the stone on the machines and your parts are produced. Numerous like parts can be interchanged in the construction process due to close tolerances held by our fabrication process.
Completion of simplistic to the most intricate jobs have been accomplished through these procedures.

Machinery Features include:

• Multi-Axis Machinery
• Profiles, geometry per your drawings not hard tooling

Cutting & Finishing Capabilities:

• Straight and Contour
• Carving
• Routing


Axis Dimensional Stone provides a variety of stone surface finishes.

Finish Types:
• Natural
• Honed
• Thermal
• Polished
• Sand Finish
• Bush Hammer
• Six/Eight Cut Finish
• Custom Finish


Axis Dimensional Stone defines a job “Well Done” by its ability to deliver the finished product on time and damaged free to the job site.
Our Process Includes:
• Inspections
• Final Counts
• Labeling
• Crating
• Packaging
• And Selection of reliable Freight Carriers

Axis Dimensional Stone not only prides itself in the quality of the stone produces but in the Excellence of packaging.
Our Service will truly deliver your ”Concepts to Reality”

We promise to meet and exceed your technical standard.

Contact information

581 Piedmont Triad West Dr, Mount Airy NC 27030
Tel: 336-789-1996
Fax: 336-648-8060
Email: info@axisdimensionalstone.com